Education is the great equalizer.

Committed to attending school after high school, whether vocational or collegiate we can connect you with financial aid for first-generation college students, other resources, and more...

Apply for a scholarship

What we offer

Woman in Yellow Shirt Writing on White Paper

Program matching

Interested community members can consult an education specialist on the academic program best suited to the individual's talents, aptitude, and interests.

Smiling students discussing day in college

Monthly stipend

Based on availability you can receive a monthly allowance to cover school and living expenses.

Woman Drinking Coffee During Daylight

Internship opportunities

This is a resource to be paired with industry partners to apply their learning in a practical setting.

Who we are

Jayhawks can help achieve their family's dreams and lift themselves out of poverty with resources for higher-level education. Through our partnerships, we assist with financial aid programs and unlocking their potential for life-changing milestone.

Academics Journey: Finding your way through collegiate or vocational

If you have a loved one who is spiraling due to systemic or personal barriers please contact us.


Our academic partners

Contact Us

Mail Address

PO Box 16702 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116

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