,, Health"

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Diverse Athletic Couple Exercising Outdoors

Jayhawks is here to help you make connections, find support, and guide your journey.


Our health-related services are always available at No Cost

Men's Support Group
Basketball Training Game Background. Basketball on Wooden Court

Health Journey: Peer 2 Peer Support MIXX Meetings

Male young adult to adult participants share experiences and provide support to strengthen their commitment to their health journey

Participants work together physically on and off the court providing resource support from a basic to elite competitive level.

Health Journey: Community Resources

Jayhawks link individuals with FREE resources to a healthier lifestyle with community health events, health resources, and etc.

A strong support system makes things happen.

Just like how we provide you with a solid support system, our community does the same for us. We are proud to partner with the following organizations.

Skateboarder skateboarding on  city
Men Playing Basketball

Sometimes, all we need is a push in the right direction.

  • Intervention to free yourself
  • Guidance to strengthen yourself
  • Support to heal

Health Journey

Turn your life around...

Volleyball  Woman Group

Serving Diverse Communities of Color mainly on the West Side of Salt Lake

Health Journey

Eat Healthy, Self Care, Physical Health

Kava drink made from the roots of the kava plant mixed with water

Jayhawks is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering anyone mainly Salt Lake residents on the west side. Our founders have been where you are now. We understand what you need without you saying it.

Health Journey: Peer 2 Peer Support MIXX Meetings

Male young adult to adult participants share experiences and provide support to strengthen their commitment to their health journey

Contact Us

Mail Address

PO Box 16702 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116

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